

swMATH ID: 7591
Software Authors: Tashiro, Jayshiro; Vargas Martin, Miguel; Hung, Patrick C.K.
Description: MISSED – studying students’ development of misconceptions in hybrid courses We implemented a methodology for studying how learners develop misconceptions during the situated experience of teaching and learning as well as during the situated experience of cognitive and behavioral expression of what has been learned during real-world application. This methodology now has been embedded into software-hardware platforms suitable for use by learning management systems (LMS) and massive open online courses (MOOCs). These types of platforms together constitute an educational environment we call the MISSED – Misconception Instantiation as Students Study Educational Domains. MISSED can be used to assess learners’ conceptual and performance competencies in ways allowing cognitive and behavioral mapping that reveals patterns of misconception development.
Homepage: http://rd.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-39750-9_34
Keywords: adaptive learning; evidence-based learning; e-learning; e-teaching; learning assessment; misconception development; knowledge systems
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