MIPLIB2003 swMATH ID: 7675 Software Authors: Martin, Alexander; Achterberg, Tobias; Koch, Thorsten; Gamrath, Gerald Description: MIPLIB - Mixed Integer Problem Library: In response to the needs of researchers for access to real-world mixed integer programs a group of researchers Robert E. Bixby, E.A. Boyd and R.R. Indovina created in 1992 the MIPLIB, an electronically available library of both pure and mixed integer programs. This was updated in 1996 by Robert E. Bixby, Sebastian Ceria, Cassandra M. McZeal, and Martin W.P. Savelsbergh. Since its introduction, MIPLIB has become a standard test set used to compare the performance of mixed integer optimizers. Its availability has provided an important stimulus for researchers in this very active area. MIPLIB 2003: More than 7 years have past since the last update of the MIPLIB. And again improvements in state-of-the-art optimizers, as well as improvements in computing machinery have made several instances too easy to be of further interest. Therefore we have purged the library of those instance and filled the free slots with more worthy candidates. As the instances also the maintainers and the host of the MIPLIB have changed. Homepage: http://miplib.zib.de/miplib2003/ Related Software: MIPLIB; SCIP; CPLEX; FEASPUMP; Benchmarks for Optimization Software; XPRESS; SoPlex; ParaSCIP; Octane; COIN-OR; GCG; UG; Gurobi; Cbc; Chaff; Tabu search; DIP; MINLPLib; Decision tree for optimization software; GAMS Cited in: 134 Documents Further Publications: http://miplib.zib.de/miplib2003/biblio.html Standard Articles 1 Publication describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year MIPLIB 2003. Zbl 1133.90300Achterberg, Tobias; Koch, Thorsten; Martin, Alexander 2006 all top 5 Cited by 193 Authors 16 Berthold, Timo 15 Fischetti, Matteo 11 Salvagnin, Domenico 9 Achterberg, Tobias 9 Koch, Thorsten 7 Gamrath, Gerald 7 Lodi, Andrea 6 Heinz, Stefan 6 Hendel, Gregor 6 Shinano, Yuji 5 Lübbecke, Marco E. 5 Ralphs, Ted K. 4 Chinneck, John W. 4 Gleixner, Ambros M. 4 Margot, François 4 Savelsbergh, Martin W. P. 3 Boland, Natashia L. 3 Ceselli, Alberto 3 Cook, William John 3 Cornuéjols, Gérard P. 3 Dash, Sanjeeb 3 Goycoolea, Marcos 3 Liberti, Leo 3 Louveaux, Quentin 3 Martin, Alexander 3 Nemhauser, George L. 3 Poirrier, Laurent 3 Steffy, Daniel E. 3 Wang, Lizhi 3 Wolter, Kati 2 Baena, Daniel 2 Balas, Egon 2 Basso, Saverio 2 Bastubbe, Michael 2 Bergner, Martin 2 Bonami, Pierre 2 Caprara, Alberto 2 Castro, Jordi 2 Christophel, Philipp M. 2 de Moura, Leonardo 2 De Santis, Marianna 2 Eberhard, Andrew C. 2 Elhedhli, Samir 2 Engineer, Faramroze G. 2 Espinoza, Daniel G. 2 Fukasawa, Ricardo 2 Furini, Fabio 2 Günlük, Oktay 2 Hunsaker, Brady 2 Jovanović, Dejan 2 Kazachkov, Aleksandr M. 2 Le Bodic, Pierre 2 Lucidi, Stefano 2 Malaguti, Enrico 2 Mehrotra, Sanjay 2 Miltenberger, Matthias 2 Monaci, Michele 2 Nannicini, Giacomo 2 Naoum-Sawaya, Joe 2 Perregaard, Michael 2 Pfetsch, Marc E. 2 Rinaldi, Francesco 2 Suhl, Uwe H. 2 Traversi, Emiliano 2 Tsoukalas, Angelos 2 Winkler, Michael 2 Witzig, Jakob 2 Zanette, Arrigo 1 Alvarez, Alejandro Marcos 1 Anderson, Daniel M. 1 Argelich, Josep 1 Armentano, Vinícius Amaral 1 Atamtürk, Alper 1 Avella, Pasquale 1 Balas, Egon 1 Baz, Mustafa 1 Bertacco, Livio 1 Besançon, Mathieu 1 Bobot, François 1 Boccia, Maurizio 1 Bolusani, Suresh 1 Boyd, Sylvia C. 1 Braun, Gábor 1 Burer, Samuel 1 Bussieck, Michael R. 1 Chen, Binyuan 1 Chen, Jieqiu 1 Chen, Liang 1 Chen, Weikun 1 Chvátal, Václav 1 Conchon, Sylvain 1 Contejean, Evelyne 1 Dai, Yu-Hong 1 D’Ambrosio, Claudia 1 Danna, Emilie 1 Dilkina, Bistra 1 Duan, Zhaoyang 1 Erenay, Fatih Safa 1 Ernst, Andreas T. 1 Farmer, James Doyne ...and 93 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 25 Serials 25 Mathematical Programming Computation 15 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 14 INFORMS Journal on Computing 10 Operations Research Letters 6 Computers & Operations Research 5 Journal of Global Optimization 4 Optimization Methods & Software 4 Discrete Optimization 3 Computational Optimization and Applications 3 EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 2 Annals of Operations Research 2 SIAM Journal on Optimization 2 Journal of Heuristics 1 Discrete Applied Mathematics 1 Operations Research 1 Graphs and Combinatorics 1 Algorithmica 1 Journal of Automated Reasoning 1 European Journal of Operational Research 1 Top 1 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 1 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 1 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 1 International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 1 Optimization Letters Cited in 5 Fields 134 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 16 Computer science (68-XX) 10 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) Citations by Year