

swMATH ID: 824
Software Authors:
Description: SaddleDrop: a tool for studying dynamics in ℂ 2 In this expository note, we discuss the mathematics behind the computer program SaddleDrop. Based upon ideas of a group at Cornell University, this program draws parameter space pictures for the complex Henon map. The difficulty of this task is explained as we contrast the well-developed theory of one variable complex dynamics with the two variable Henon case.
Homepage: http://www.math.cornell.edu/~dynamics/SD/index.html
Keywords: graphical examples; computer program { t SaddleDrop}; complex Henon map; variable complex dynamics
Related Software: R; GRAPH; pLoc-mEuk; iACP; ifs; SPOT; Galaxy; iSS-PseDNC; CANONIK; CHomP; FlowLab; ROptEst; DISCRETA; libagf; ELECTRE; reszeta.lib; Genius; Z_LINEAR_K; GADMM; DALIA
Cited in: 14 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year
SaddleDrop: a tool for studying dynamics in \(\mathbb{C}^2\). Zbl 1197.65208
Koch, Sarah C.

Citations by Year