

swMATH ID: 8356
Software Authors:
Description: SAM Thresholding and False Discovery Rates for Detecting Differential Gene Expression in DNA Microarrays. SAM is a computer package for correlating gene expression with an outcome parameter such as treatment, survival time, or diagnostic class. It thresholds an appropriate test statistic and reports the q-value of each test based on a set of sample permutations. SAM works as a Microsoft Excel add-in and has additional features for fold-change thresholding and block permutations. Here, we explain how the SAM methodology works in the context of a general approach to detecting differential gene expression in DNA microarrays. Some recently developed methodology for estimating false discovery rates and q-values has been included in the SAM software, which we summarize here.
Homepage: http://rd.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/0-387-21679-0_12
Related Software: Slim; Bioconductor; R; EBarrays; cp4p; GEST; MAANOVA; DESeq2; GitHub; limma; DEseq; Voom; edgeR; sn; ArrayExpress; TM4; WinBUGS; FAMT; FarmTest; TETRAD
Cited in: 27 Documents

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